The morning of my birthday I went to breakfast with mum at the Post Cafe:
We both had eggs benedict - seriously amazing. The hollandaise sauce has such a tang to it - I love it!
At about 9 o clock, I arrived back home and was prepared to start some of my uni work and play with Rommy. I got home and as I locked the door, I looked at the top of the stairs and there was J! Peering out from around the corner, holding the most beautiful bouquet of roses, he greeted me: "Surprise hun!!"
I was obviously so happy to see him, but so confused! He was going to be late for work! I mentioned that to him and he told me he took the day off work. He'd organised it a couple of weeks ago to surprise me! - What a cutie!
I got home sooner than he was expecting though, so he had to go finish wrapping my presents, haha.
Isn't that the cutest wrapping paper? The presents have smiley faces on them!
What was inside included after the jump:
Here's what was inside:
Weeds Season 6
Loveee this show! I have seasons 1-5 on DVD, so it's really nice to be able to complete my collection. We've already watched a few eps, and I am liking it so far!
This was actually my midnight present!
Sims 3: Showtime Expansion Pack
Oh how I love the Sims. There is nothing compared to playing a game and being able to control EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in it. muahahahaha. This expansion pack is so much fun! I started playing it last night. One of my dudes is a magician, and the girl is an acrobat. So much fun!
Blu-Ray: Batman Begins & Dark Knight
Pretty much speaks for itself I think! Batman is my favourite superhero and I've been pretty impressed with these movies. (Side note: saw The Dark Knight Rises last week too and loved it!)

Lindt Chocolates
My absolute favourite!! This boy knows me too well!
iPod Classic
So happy about this! My ipod died about a year ago, and then J gave me his which I subsequently lost in Bali. Since then I've been using my phone with limited storage so it's really nice to be able to carry my entire music collection around with me! Loving this for the long train rides to uni so far. Also - J had a pretty cute note engraved in the back...I tried to take a picture of it but it's a bit hard since it's a mirrored surface :(
And last but not least:
Parlux 3800 Hair Dryer
OHMYGOD I love this appliance. It is SO nice. I will write a proper review on it because it totally deserves its own post. But basically, it is amazing. J doesn't understand it at all - but then again I don't really expect him to! Love this.
So that was everything I got from J. Here's what else I got:
From my mum:
Little Rommy cat!
I wrote all about his arrival here. Loving him to death he is such a cutie. That photo was taken by J on my bday... had a nap in the afternoon on the couch, haha. I'm getting old after all!
From my dad:
New Laptop
And from my sister:
She bought me a bunch of stuff and put it in this really pretty box! I love it! Here's what was inside:

Gorgeous red wedges!
Some toys for Rommy-Cat. He LOVES them. He has already torn apart the rainbow ball haha!
Envelope clutch
M & J letters! I love these, I think they're so cute, and such a nice idea. They're currently sitting above our cube bookshelf!
And that's that!
Overall it was a really nice day! My sister made me some cookies which we shared at dinner at mum's on Wednesday night, and J bought me a cake:

He also took me out to dinner to a Thai restaurant, which was really delicious. Again - too busy chatting and forgot to take snaps but it was yum! It was hilarious though when it came time to pay and J realised he left his card at home, making me pay for my own birthday dinner! It was totally an accident though and he was so mortified about it - I found it kinda funny!
Anyway that's pretty much it! To say I was spoilt is definitely an understatement!
Thanks to my family, and to J, for making such a great celebration of the fact that I am no longer a "teen"!