1. Go Overseas Again.
Unfortunately I did not get to even go on holidays, let alone travel overseas. This still remains a firm goal of mine.
2. read 52 new books
I didn't quite get to 52 new books. I did have this goal consciously in my mind though, so I think it helped me read more than I would have otherwise.
3. Keep a list of each book I read
I started an account on goodreads, which was so helpful in completing this goal!
4. Finish reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in Chinese
I gave up Chinese study after two years, so I did not complete this one :( One day!
5. Have a Conversation in Only Chinese
I have had a few small conversations with people outside of class in Chinese, so I am counting this as a win!
6. Learn to Knit Socks
I tried so hard to learn off the internet, but knitting socks is harder than I thought it would be! I think I'm going to have to try crochet, as everyone tells me that is easier.
7. Go on a Road Trip
8. Solve a Rubik's Cube
I did not even touch a rubik's cube in the past year.
9. Watch every movie that has won an Academy Award for Best Picture
I think I completely forgot about this one.
10. Make a tower cake.
This did not happen. We had so many issues with our oven! Maybe this year for J's birthday?
11. Do the Splits
My flexibility is still frustratingly non-existent, despite consistent stretching.
12. Get my Provisional Licence
So...funny story.
On my 21st birthday, I headed down to the RTA to get my learner's licence renewed. When I got down there, the lady told me I needed to book in to do the test all over again! They didn't have time for me on the day, and I needed an ID (my licence expired the next day) so I ended up getting a photo card. So I have gone from having a learner licence, to having no licence at all. I think I spectacularly failed this one.
13. Get my next planned Tattoo
Nope, just because we've been short of money but I think I will do this with my tax money!
14. Perform at my pole studio's open night
YES! I did this TWICE! See the post here for the first one, and this post here for my most recent performance.
15. Take More Photos and Get Them Printed
I bought a photo box album to store and display my photos in, and am actually getting them printed this weekend. So...technically no, because I turned 21 before I achieved this but I'm going to say yes.
16. Get back into Volunteering
I am ashamed to say no.
17. Do a First Aid Course
Nope. Every time I looked at doing one, they were never on at a time I could attend.
18. Complete a Daily Photographic Diary
19. Get a job that I like and enjoy
Yes! I am working as a manager in retail, which is not something I thought I would enjoy, but I love the company I work for, and I love my customers and staff. I am happy to say yes to this one :)
20. Donate Blood More Regularly
Not more regularly, but I was definitely more frequent.
21. Climb a Mountain
I don't think I went near a mountain in the last year
So overall, not too bad!
What crazy goals have you achieved lately?

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