I've got some ideas below...you may either outright steal them (I won't tell, I promise!) or use them to get your own creative juices flowing!
How about an ipod, or other musical player? Dads usually have a bit of a reputation for not being too tech-savvy. Ipods are so easy to use, ANYONE can operate them...I'm not even joking when I say that if my dad can, anyone's dad can. (My dad based the decision on which laptop to buy based on which one had the biggest keys for him...bless!)
Comic strip books are also a great idea! Zits is a great one for any parent...if you're not acquainted with it, basically it's about living with a teenager...as narrated by a teenager. Another reason why comic strips are so great, is because they're quick, require not much reading and are funny! Or you could make your own, by cutting out your dad's favourites from the paper and sticking them into a book...get really personal and add your own annotations!
Tool kits are a pretty standard dad's day gift...this one is a bit different though...it's a mini, all-in-one. Although it's technically a bike tool, it has a number of allen keys, and both types of screw-drivers, making it perfect for basic fixing-up around the house
If your dad's a suit, how about some gorgeous new stationery for him? This A4 leather compendium from kikki.K is currently on sale... and will give dad the perfect place to jot down meeting notes, and keep all those loose papers.
How about a bottle of his favourite expensive alcohol? I think the trick with this one though, is that you need to then volunteer to come around and have a glass with him. Although gifts are great, and everyone loves getting them, I think the most important thing that all parents want is to spend more time with their kids. ESPECIALLY as their kids get older and move out and get their own lives...
This is the adult version of the DIY gift you would give as a child! I found this one on pinterest, and it's been doing the rounds lately. Basically, use a sharpie to draw, write, decorate a plain ceramic mug, bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 220C (pop the mug in while the oven is still cold) and voila! Cool, personal gift!
Check out this blog post for awesome tips and instructions!
What are you getting Dad for father's day??

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