It was dad's birthday, so to help him celebrate J, my uncle and I all played some pool with him at the local pub. There is nothing quite like getting drunk with your parents on a Saturday night. I couldn't help but show off my wrapping skills...men just don't seem to appreciate these things

J and I tried our hand at making spaghetti on the weekend. I have so much fun making pasta.
I finally got around to printing off all my photos and organising them into an album. I also chose some to frame and put on the wall in our living room. Our house is feeling more 'ours' now...which I feel is important to establish (especially when renting)

Loving tea deliveries from the T2 boys to perk me up when working nights. No idea what this blend was, but it was delicious. I've also been loving this T2 flask I purchased with a gift card from the girls at work for my birthday. Now am getting my tea fix on the train to uni!

Tried out a green, bronze, gold smokey eye at uni last week. I actually kinda love these colours together!
J also bought a new shrimpy...we called him 'Murdoch'; he's a cleaner fish, meaning he cleans the tank and he'll sit on the other fish and clean them too! So J thought "mer-doc"...as in underwater doctor...was a good name. Mer-doc. Murdoch. Get it?

OPI 'kennebunk-port' on my nails. Ring on my finger from my BFF and her family for my 21st. I love the intricate detailing on this ring. It's now become a staple in my 'everyday jewellery' collection.
Also I am so obsessed with my mint leather time planner I picked up from work the other week. Nothing makes me more happy than peering into an organised bag!

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