A couple of months ago I shared with you guys my Daiso beauty haul. The product I was most excited about purchasing and using was the Daiso 'Detergent for Puff and Sponge'. I'd heard so many great things about it, and for $2.80, if it was as good as people claimed, it might just be the answer to my prayers.

Cleaning a handful of brushes is time-consuming and annoying, and not that fun of an activity. I really love the end result, and I love clean brushes. But I hate the process. So anything that aims to make that process less frustrating is welcome in my life. Hello, Daiso.

This brush cleanser is very different from all others I've tried. It doesn't lather up, and instead works by dissolving all the oil and product on the brush fibres, leaving you with a squeaky clean brush. That means that the actual process for using this is different to other brush cleansers. For this, I fill up a glass with a tiny bit of water (in all honesty, in that above photo, that's a bit too much water). You then add a few drops of the cleaner. Literally. A few drops.

Then you just swirl your brushes in (making absolutely sure not to dip the ferrule in), until the water goes a disgusting murky colour. When it gets to that colour, empty out the water, re-fill the glass, add a few more drops of cleaner and repeat. You repeat this process until you get to the point where you swirl your brush and the water stays clear. Depending on the brush you're cleaning, this can take a few repeats of the process.
I do most of my eye brushes in the one water, running through the process twice.
All face brushes take maybe three or four repeats.
My Sigma F80 flat top kabuki brush is incredibly dense, and it is this brush that I judge all cleansers by. Even though I spot clean this every single time I use it, product still works its way into the brush and it's a monster to clean. This brush took maybe six or seven repeats of the process.
I then rinse the brushes under clean water just to make sure there's no residue on them.

I add brush guards to my brushes while they dry. It's alleged this helps them dry faster. I don't think it actually does, I think it makes it take a bit longer, but it helps re-shape the bristles, and I'm down with the extra waiting time for that.

I really do love this cleanser. I think it saves a lot of time for all but one of my brushes...that damn F80 is such a pain and I think a bit of a lather and scrub makes it clean up a lot faster than this method. Note this isn't a criticism on how well the detergent cleans...it definitely gets the brush clean and looking new, and it takes almost zero effort to do so. I'm just lazy and hate standing at the kitchen sink for ages, so I like to rush the process along.
Have you used the Daiso brush cleaner before? What do you think of it?

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