September's Her Fashion Box was titled "Pearlfection", and paid homage to the return of pearls as a trend, and the return of the warmer weather that Spring has to offer. My box got a little bashed up in the delivery, but that's okay.

So many goodies this month!

There were three main fashion items in this month's box. The super cute pearl 'Chisel' earrings (RRP $14.99), and the "Two Pearls in a Pod" ring (RRP $12.99) are pretty much the definition of classic. I am so happy that the ring fits me perfectly - there is pretty much nothing worse than missing out on item because it doesn't fit you. I've spoken before about my sensitivity to cheap metal. One of my readers suggested putting some clear nailpolish over the metal, so I might try that to see if I can get some wear out of these earrings, because they are pretty nice.
(That being said I kind of like the earrings that were in the Trendy box, but that's the gamble you take when you sign up to a particular style)
So many beauty items this month!
We got a full-sized (500mL) bottle of the 'BX Bit of a Soft Touch' nourishing body milk (RRP $7.99). Unfortunately mine leaked throughout my box in transit. This has aloe vera, goat's milk powder, peach and honey, manuka honey extract, sea salt and lots of other good things in it. It also smells really nice, so this went straight in my shower.
So I'm a little confused about the next items... I think the Orly nailpolish and toe separators were a gift for completing the review survey about last month's box.
The magazine has a page about the 'Brauer Paw Paw lip shimmer', but I didn't receive that in my box. So not sure if they just forgot to put it in my box or what happened with that, but I'm obviously sad, because nobody likes missing out.
We also got a 'smoothie booster' sachet (20g RRP $30.00 for 30 day pack). Not too sure what's in this, and I don't really make smoothies so I might pass this along to my sister, who does.

I really love the addition of the sunnies this month! I love sunglasses, and these have come just in time for the warm weather.
We also received these cute samples of Ime Natural perfume (5mL RRP $12 each). There's nine different scents, I received the 'Eu-ter-pe' (cool) scent, which is described as being clean and crisp. I really like it, and think it will be great for Summer.
The perfume range is made from 100% botanical ingredients, so there's no synthetic-y smell to it, and they're accredited cruelty free and toxic free, yay!

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