Last Thursday I met up with Oishee at the Sydney Noodle Markets in Hyde Park.
This was my first time (although I have walked through in previous years I've never "Attended" per se) so I was pretty keen to try some delicious food.
Apparently almost every person in Sydney was there, because it was almost claustrophobia-inducing busy. The atmosphere overall wasn't too bad, despite the crowds. I loved all the Asian touches... the lanterns, the giant cat character, the pandas on the light globes, the ping pong!
The food was amazing. Oishee got a Vietnamese prawn salad, and I went for some dumplings.

When lining up for the dumplings I had an older Chinese woman approach me, desperate to find out if the dumplings were traditional, or "Sydney style". She was such a sweetheart, and asked to take a photo of me with my food - not with her and me...just me. So random, but flattering.

Did you make it to the Noodle Markets this year? Have you been in years past? Is it weird that we went to a noodle market and yet neither of us ate noodles?

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