Happy Easter lovely readers! I hope you all had a great long weekend, and took plenty of time to rest. The long weekend kicked off on Thursday afternoon when the Easter bunny dropped off some eggs to my desk at work. J and I headed down to Canberra on Friday afternoon, arriving back home on Sunday night. J's mum brought out the Easter baskets and we each got some easter choccys - anyone who knows me knows that Lindt is my favourite - paired with an Easter bilby and Cherry Ripe and you've got one happy Michaela.

We went to the Old Bus Depot Markets on Easter for something to do - there's a stall there where a man makes fresh orange juice, and hot spiced ciders. I had the spiced apple and cinnamon cider, J had an orange juice, and J's mum had the honey, lemon and ginger cider. Perfect on a cool, rainy Easter day.

I'm now spending my Monday watching Netflix (I signed up for the month-free trial and am loving it!), doing washing and preparing for the (4 day) week ahead.
How was your Easter break?

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