okay. so i should be doing my assignment for contract law.
BUT! I had to write about my new book that I picked up yesterday from the bookshop, after waiting WEEKS for it to be ordered in...

SO Excited to read it. Benjamin Law writes articles in Frankie, one of the many magazines I'm just so obsessed with.

At the moment I'm reading Harlan Coben's book 'Play Dead'. It was the first he had ever written, and even though he's one of my favourite authors, it's not very good... he even writes in the introduction 'if this is my first book you've picked up, put it down and get another one' which I think is pretty funny. Even though I'm not enjoying it that much I will stick with it, because I want to see how far he's evolved as a writer (which is a lot, I can already tell)
I'll write a review on it once uni calms down a bit.
Alright. Now back to unfair contract terms infringing on the doctrine of freedom of contract and party autonomy...