Monday, August 13, 2012

OOTD: Deceptive Sunshine

I have come to accept that regardless of how sunny it is outside, wind chill will take the temperatures right down. 
It is for this reason that I love layering - pile on the clothes and the wind won't get through, but then peel them off when you're thawing out in the sun! (protected with SPF, of course!)

This is what I wore to uni today. 

What I'm Wearing:
  • Singlet (not pictured) - Target
  • Skivvy (not pictured) - Supre'
  • Jumper - Sportsgirl
  • Scarf - can't even remember, it's a few years old!
  • Tights - Supre'
  • Socks - Sportsgirl
  • Boots - Tony Bianco
  • Rings - Lovisa

I think this outfit also highlights how some good, cheap basics can easily be paired together to keep yourself warm and snuggy.

What are your winter layering tips? I personally love thigh high socks over tights/stockings in Winter. What about you?
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