I first saw this on Sue's blog - over at Voyage Dans Le Temps. Last night, I had dinner with my good friend Meg, and she gave me my birthday present which she picked up from Vienna:
Isn't it beautiful? This girl knows me so well, because I adore quality leather, and this is stylish, as well as being really functional. Here's the back:
It also had this insert slipped inside - which can be used for holding cash, and can also be removed to use in smaller bags;

This is the back pocket - which is the perfect size for fitting notes as well as shrapnel.
And on to what I know you all really want to see: my card collection. I had to throw out / take out quite a lot of cards from my old wallet, as this one has fewer card slots. But once the leather stretches a bit I can probably slip some back in. Am I the only one who has "loyalty memberships" with almost every store? I mean, I even had one for Athlete's Foot...I think I've shopped there once, maybe twice, my whole life?
The standard: Priceline Card (probably the best loyalty program I'm subscribed to), Asthma card, Medicare, Centrelink, QBD and Dymocks, Boost, SMH Uni Pass (allows me to pick up the paper for free at uni!) and my uni ID.
So I know it looks like a bit of overkill with all those "Rush" cards - but 2 of them have free coffees on them. Yep, I hoard free coffee cards. I'm unbelievable like that. (Btw Rush is the best - if you're ever in Wollongong they come highly recommended by me!). My T2 membership card, Myer and my local library card.
Also pretty standard - Centrelink card, Monthly train pass, 10-use bus pass, blood donor card, ATM Card, gift card given to me last year that has like $3 left on it, my licence (Yes I'm on my Loser licence. Shuddup), and my health care card.
And just because we're friends I'll show you all the cards that I culled last night:
Some gems you may notice from that pile:
My brother's high school ID. I think I stole this once for blackmail? It's pretty cute though, and I will be keeping it, FlyBuys and Woolworth's Everyday rewards: I stopped using these so effing long ago, I don't know why I haven't just thrown these out; cupcake business cards? Because you never know; Galaxy World? No idea where these even came from, I don't think I've ever even stepped foot in a galaxy world.
And if you were wondering - yes all my personal information is edited out. Sorry for the shoddy editing, but you can never be too careful on the interwebs!
See my: "What's in my pencil case" post here, and my "what's in my bag" post here
What's in your wallet? Do you excessively hoard cards too? Or are you more ruthless when shopkeepers ask you to sign up to their "loyalty" programs?