2. I am an absolute metal-head and music is such a massive part of my life. I'm not a purist however, and do branch out into other genres (does punk and ska count as "branching out"?, ha ha)
3. This year is my penultimate year of law school. I am beyond excited to get my degree and be a real lawyer. And have real money.
4. I am a full blown stationery addict. I have piles of unused notebooks, and drawers (plural!) filled with pens and highlighters and post-it notes.
5. I even work for a stationery company.
6. In November, I got my first job in retail and I love it more than I thought I would. After 3 months, I was promoted and I love it more than I did before!
7. I am a twitter addict. Follow me @michaelaarghh.
8. I also really enjoy watching QandA on Monday nights (political talk-show kind of program) and I have had my tweets published 3 times :D
9. Two of those three times were centred around the ol' Christianity vs Atheism debate.
10. I do not have a facebook. I deactivated mine over a year and a half ago now. Read all about that here. I have not felt any desire whatsoever to go back to it.
11.I prefer to get up earlier in the morning so I'm not stressed and rushed than sleeping in.
12. I am very much a bookworm, and have been since I was a young child. I would literally carry a book wherever I went. Yes, I was that child
13. I'm running out of "interesting" things to give you facts about.
14. I met my boyfriend at a Soundwave festival in 2009. A couple of months later, I ran into him again at a Mindless Self Indulgence concert and loaded my number into his phone. He is the love of my life.
15. I'm the youngest out of my friendship group, and have been for as long as I can remember.
16. I started school early, and am a year younger than most peeps in my cohort.
17. I am not a natural blonde.
18. I have 10 piercings, and there's a couple more that I really want.
19. I prefer having shorter hair than long hair.
20. I have a little kitten, Romulus. I got him for my birthday last year from my mum. He's almost a year old though, so won't be a kitten for much longer.
21. I check out girls more than I check out guys. Not in a sexual way. Just in a "hey you look really nice today" kinda way.
22. I made it one of my goals for 2013 to compliment others more often. Who doesn't love a compliment from a total stranger, right?
23. I played guitar for 8 years and absolutely loved it. I haven't picked it up much in the last 2 years though. Everyday this makes me sad, but I'm scared that I'll pick it up and won't be able to play anything. Not knowing is better.
24. I studied Mandarin Chinese for 2 years, as my minor in my Arts degree. I absolutely loved it, and will probably go back to studying it at TAFE once I have my degree. I would love to be fluent.
25. My major in my Arts degree is politics.
26. I really struggled with depression and anxiety in high school. I had a shockingly low self-esteem and was pretty full of self-loathing to the point I made myself very sick, and hurt myself a lot.
27. Today I'm all about self-love and self-respect. Which is hard, but it's a much better way to live.
28. I am a pole dancer. Pole has helped me a lot in my quest for self-love. I love feeling strong and capable of anything.
30. I didn't know what to expect when I started blogging, but 2 and a 1/2 years later and it's a major part of my life and who I am.
31. I was born on the 24th day of the 7th month. 24/7.
32. I love tea and coffee. Day cannot start without coffee. Tea is pretty mandatory for most days.
33. I have been a football (soccer) referee since I was 16 and I LOVE it. I referee all ages (including men) and most state-levels of competition. I would absolutely love to make it to national accreditation.
34. I have IBS. My doctor reckons I have some missing enzymes in my gut, which makes it really difficult for me to digest things like wheat, starch and gluten and sometimes lactose. I have to take tablets to make this better. But generally I try to avoid these foods because they hurt me and cause discomfort. Not as serious as celiacs, but not fun either.
35.I prefer winter over summer. Not very Australian of me, I know.
36. I am the eldest of three.
37. I rarely read one book at a time and usually have at least 2 or 3 going at once.
38. I don't think I can pick a favourite movie. I would list movies I really enjoy but I fear I would forget something and that would be unfair.
39. I have a few favourite TV shows though; Law and Order: SVU, Gilmore Girls, Modern Family, Boston Legal, Scrubs, Weeds, Dexter.
40. I'm not a genre purist. I will watch pretty much anything and enjoy it.
41. I love holidays because I stop neglecting my PS3. At the moment I'm playing Hitman Absolution, and DMC. I'm enjoying both of them.
42. Favourites make for pretty easy facts.
43. I have only ever been overseas once. I'm itching to travel more.
44. My child nickname is 'Moo'. As such, I collect cow-related items. Thanks, mum and dad.
45. My boyfriend is being very unhelpful in suggesting interesting facts. Here's one he has given me: "The first letter in my name is M. The second letter, is I."
46. My favourite colour is red.
47. My all-time favourite band is Metallica.
48. I dream of winning powerball one day. Makes it a bit hard to win it though when I've never played it in my life.
49. I'm turning 21 this year.
50. I'm only capable of generating 49 facts.
Give me an interesting fact about yourself! If you've done this before, link your post in the comments below!

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