I hope you all had a truly wonderful day! I've been loving catching up with all your blog posts over the past couple of days, and thought I'd share what we got up to.
This year, J went back to Canberra to spend Christmas with his family, and I went around to my dad's and spent it with my siblings, my dad and both of his brothers. Christmas morning started at 12am on Christmas Eve with a skype call to J. He brought down a present from me and we opened one gift each over skype, which was nice. I was up most of Christmas Eve cooking and prepping the salads and dessert for Christmas Day, which was really
I woke up around 8am on Christmas day, skyped my mum (seriously, I love skype...especially in the festive season) and finished off some last minute food prep.

No fancy table setting here...but plenty of really good food.

Some of the salads I made...

Waldorf salad

Watermelon salad

Beetroot - stained salmon salad with avocado and horeseradish dressing.

My sister got a juicer and a blender for Christmas, so she was in charge of juice and smoothie making throughout the day - so yum!

Christmas this year was lots of fun. There were lots of presents given and received (check out my post later today to see what I was very generously given!), crackers pulled, bad jokes told and of course; lots and lots of good food and company.
What did you get up to for Christmas?

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