So as you may have noticed (or maybe not…) I was a bit absent this week, which you can largely attribute to the bitch of a Legal Theory exam I had on Thursday. As soon as it was over, we promptly celebrated with beers:
The weather in Sydney has been phenomenal this past week – exactly what I like about Spring. It’s comfortably ‘warm’. Not too hot or cold…just right.
So I’ve spent a few of my breaks in between classes lying around in the sun on the duck pond lawn. Haven’t been brave enough to get out the bare legs yet – although that’s mostly because I don’t trust Cityrail’s air-conditioning policy.
Also – in exciting news, Cailin and I switched our usual coffees for an iced coffee on our coffee date this week! (
how many times can you fit 'coffee' into a sentence?)
Earlier this week,
Sophia at The Tattooed Tea Lady did a review of this book, and it sounded exactly like something I would enjoy. I spotted a copy on the shelves at the Unishop and picked it up. I devoured half of it that train ride home and I have to say – it is probably one of the funniest books I have ever read. Big call, but I was actually laughing out loud at some parts.
Style-wise, I was rocking the braid this week. I love the way the pink blends in with the knots. I also may have been wearing this hairstyle because of how less-than-clean my hair looked when it was down. Braids are amazing and I hereby vow to wear them more often.
In other style news – my boyfriend bought this belt featuring the characters from ‘Adventure Time’. Have you ever watched the show? The belt buckle is like a seat-belt which is hilarious.

My mum went to Port Douglas this week, so we got to cat-sit Snookie. Snookie is actually Rommy’s sister and although I thought this meant they would get along really well, this was not actually the case. They fought pretty badly on the first day, but after that they were best buds:
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