Hello, hello 2014!!
My oh my how the years fly by.
2013 was a good year. Nothing bad, but nothing great either.
I'm excited for everything 2014 has to offer.
This is the year that I graduate from my double degree at uni.
I am so, so ready for this.
I'm hoping I can travel at the end of the year, with my bestie, Meg.
I want to continue making my house a home, with J.
I want to give uni one last push, and give it my all.
I want to continue challenging myself at pole, and being the best person I can be, physically.
And just generally, be a better version of myself in all aspects of my life.
I don't really have any major resolutions.
I do have some goals though.
I spent some time this afternoon coming up with some blog goals too. This year will be a good one for the blog, too. I'm going to get my butt into gear, stop making excuses and just do it.
Just do the things I want to do, and the things I say I'll do.
I spent New Years Eve at my dad's, with my family. He has a view of Botany Bay from his backyard, and there was a spectacular 9pm fireworks show. All the photos from this post were taken last night.
And my favourite photo of the night...
What did you get up to this NYE? Did you make resolutions for 2014?
N.B: I'm taking a bit of a break over the next few days from the blog. I'll be back, posting regularly on the 6th January! xx

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