It's been a fun past week; my hours at work have gone back down to 20 and I have heaps of spare time again yay!

I have wasted ample amounts of time playing both the Sims and Batman Arkham Origins.

And I've spent a lot of time cuddling this cutie, and admiring not only how cute he looks when he sleeps, but also the funny places he chooses to sleep.

Went over to Megs for some champers...which of course, resulted in backyard handstands.
Floral shorts, old cut-up t-shirts and thongs is the perfect summer wardrobe.

J's brother and his fiancee have been staying with us the past couple of days. Yesterday we all headed out to La Perouse beach, which was nice for something different. After a few minutes of bobbing around in the water, we headed up to the island national park and had a bit of a walk around the rock pools.
I'm very much enjoying Summer holidays at the moment...painfully aware this is possibly my last long Summer break.

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