J built a new planter box for the backyard. We now have plenty of veggies growing away which is exciting. Rommy is back to his back-sitting ways.
My little brother stayed with us on Friday night. We played some Settlers of Catan, with the expansion pack he got me for Christmas.

New sunnies arrived in the mail.
Saw Hunger Games 2 at the IMAX. The IMAX is incredible; it's amazing seeing a film that huge and it's a lot easier to immerse yourself in it. The 2nd movie was a lot better than the first, and I really, really enjoyed it.

Had my first pole class for the year, and finally managed to do the "Reverse Ayesha" (on the left). It took me about a year to get this one, due to limited shoulder flexibility from an old injury. Just goes to show what dedication and hard work can do!
Tried out the 'forearm grip Ayesha' as well for the first time. Not bad for a first timer, but still needs some work.

Had a Mexican themed night in Surry Hills with my mate Brad. Headed out to Tio's and then to El Loco. We went for a walk to Sydney Festival to find the jumping castle Stonehenge, but we were deterred by the massive line. We then decided to give Baxter's Inn a try, but again, the 25 minute line made us turn away.
I leave my yoga mat out for less than 30 seconds and the cat makes himself at home on it. Does anyone else's cat do this?
On Saturday, J and I went on an 'extreme boat ride' in Sydney Harbour. It was pretty fun, with the boat reaching high speeds. We went out past the Sydney Heads, around to The Gap, and past Bondi Beach.
The infamous Gap
Bondi Beach
It really was such a nice day, and even though we both applied a heap of sunscreen, we got patchy sunburn which sucked.
What did you get up to in the past week?

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