I loveee receiving a new parcel in the mail, and I have really begun to look forward to HFB each month. I just love the photo on the front page of the mini magazine included.

Inside the box! This month was a bit better than last month's, but there were still a few items I was a bit unhappy with. I guess you can't win them all, hey?

The first item I noticed in the box was this gorgeous scarf. It's incredibly soft, so feels very lush. HFB described the scarves as vibrant, but I really disagree with that. To me, vibrant means colourful and this one is a bit monochromatic... I still love the print, but I feel you can be 'classic' and still have colour in your life! I loved the look of the scarves the other boxes received and feel the 'classic' scarf is a bit winter-y.
This was the necklace included in the classic box. I think the detailing and the colours of this is really pretty, but again I'm not a fan of the perspex. I guess that's the thing with fashion though...sometimes what's on trend isn't always what's to your taste. I might still wear this. I don't hate it, I just don't love it.

There was a notebook in the box, a collaboration with Cantik Swimwear. I love a good notebook and this one is really pretty; with gilded edges and plain paper inside.
A couple of beauty goodies: A pink salt scrub from Babe. This is supposed to stimulate circulation, relax the body, lower blood pressure, soothe sore muscles, and is a generous 30g sample size. I love body scrubs, and I'm sure I'll enjoy using this one!
I also received an Urban Rituelle Lip Balm in Passionfruit. The packaging on this is really cute, but unfortunately isn't made very well and the lid slides right off. This will undoubtedly be one for the desk, as there is no way it would survive a handbag. Apart from that, I really like it. It's made from all natural ingredients (always a win!) with sunscreen protection and is really hydrating.
I also got an Ulta 3 lipstick in Cherry Wine. I'm guessing this was my bonus gift for filling out the survey. Kind of annoying though, because I received this exact product a few months ago which makes me think the 'bonus gift' is just an excuse to get rid of left-over products. I'm all for recycling and using up stuff, but it sucks receiving the exact same product you've already gotten.
I think this is an awesome inclusion; a pocket manicure kit. Not really much to say on it. It's valued at $7.95 but the quality of the tools is pretty good. I think the little box it comes in is really cute too.

This little coin purse is quite cute. I have so much shrapnel in my wallet distorting it's shape that I will probably get a lot of use out of this.
A couple more sachets of 'boosters' to add to your smoothies. I still haven't used mine from last month, but I like the idea of them and I am keen to try them out.
Some sachets of Jbronze, Jen Hawkins' tanning range. The HFB booklet said we will receive two 5ml samples of the face flawless tan, and one 5ml sample of the shimmer instant illuminiser, but as you can see, for me it was the other way around! I'm not really into tanning so will pass that sachet onto someone else who will use it but I'm interested to try the shimmer.
There was also a 45g sample of a muesliforme mix...this company sounds awesome; they let you design your own muesli mix and then they send it to your door each month. I love muesli, but the ones at the supermarket that are packed with sultanas disgust me, so I think I might try out this mix (a HFB custom mix) and then give the brand a go!

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