Last week, myself and one of my pole friends were rushing to the train station after class. We had a look at the boards, and her train was coming in 3 minutes. She was a bit anxious about making it, and I simply said to her "Don't worry! You can totally make that! You can do it!" She then said something that's made me think quite a bit lately. She said " have such a positive outlook on everything, I love it! Even in class, you go in saying 'I'm going to do this', and then when you can't you say 'I will get this, eventually.'"
I (like I'm sure so many of you reading this) have had my downs in my life. I've been kicked when I'm down, and then kicked some more. I've been through tough times. But I think what I've learned through all that is just how powerful positive thought can be. And one of the easiest ways to change our daily outlook is simply, gratitude.
So this is a list of the small pleasures in life. The small things that make me happy. The little things that make life worth living.

- Freshly cleaned sheets
- My morning coffee
- Having two morning coffees on the weekend!
- Walking through my clean house
- A big mug of tea on my desk

- A stack of magazines on my coffee table
- A captivating and engrossing playstation game
- Painted toenails
- TV marathon sessions
- Receiving packages in the mail

- Taking off my make-up at the end of a long day
- Learning new things
- That immature feeling knowing I'm wearing a blush called 'Deep Throat'
- Freshly shaved legs

- Reading before bed
- Waking up next to J every morning
- That after-workout feeling
- Skype sessions with mum

- Scented candles in the bathroom
- Long stretching sessions
- Good quality skincare
- When my ipod is on shuffle and it's all songs I love

-Original buildings and architecture
- Looking at old wills, building plans, and certificates and seeing how everything was either handwritten or typed with a type-writer

- Getting to cuddle Rommy every day
- When Rommy does something cute, or funny, or both.
- Pondering whilst watching our fish

- When my eyeshadow blends out perfectly
- Having physical photos on my walls and around my house
- Mascara
- Fresh flowers
So now I challenge you! Come up with at least 5 (bonus points if you can get to 10!) of the little things that make you happy. Either leave it in a comment below or write your own post and link it here!

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