Do you remember how you developed a love for reading?
I've loved reading my entire life. My mum's a bookwork and I always got books as gifts when I was little so I think it was just instilled in me from a young age. Mum actually says she remembers when I was a toddler, and I would crawl up next to her bookcase and just flick through the books on the bottom shelf, which I think is pretty funny.
Where do you usually read?
On my daily commute, and right before I fall asleep :)
Do you prefer to read one book at a time or several at once?
A little bit of both, to be honest. I used to have a book I would read on the way to uni and then one I would read before bed; I really like having options. Some days I might not feel like reading that romance novel, and might switch to the thriller instead. But since having my e-reader, I've tended to stick to reading one at a time, which is interesting.
This is really tricky! I adore crime (fiction and non-fiction) and that was pretty much all I read as a teenager, with a few classics sprinkled here and there. I think I OD'd on the genre though, and I branch out a lot more now that I'm older. I've really been enjoying dystopian reads, as well as dramas and lighthearted books. At the moment I kind of just check what the bestselling books are and pick one I think looks interesting.
Is there a genre you will not read?
I refuse to read harlequin romances.
I think that has to be a tie between The Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird. There are so many books on my shelf that I love, though.
What is your least favourite book?
I cannot finish books I don't enjoy reading. This could be because either the writing itself is terrible (Twilight, I'm looking at you), or the actual story itself. I really disliked Emma by Jane Austen; had to read that one in high school and I hated every minute of it.
What is the longest book you have ever read?
I read War and Peace when I was a teenager, so I think that one's a pretty hefty read.
The Game of Thrones books are also quite substantial, especially if you consider that number 3 was split in two because it was so big!
I think it was the A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin
Do you prefer library books or buying books?
I love buying books; I love wandering the bookstores and lately I even love browsing the online bookstores for e-books. I haven't visited a library in years actually, but I used to practically live there when I was a child.
What are you currently reading? A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin, and Big Brother by Lionel Shriver

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