How's that for alliteration?
As a pole dancer, I fight really hard to get rid of the gross callouses that grow on my hands. and have developed a routine to help keep my hands soft and silky smooth.
These tips work well if you use your hands a lot in your day to day life. Whether your hands are roughed up from sport or a hobby such as gardening, never fear!
As much as I love hand creams, I cannot use them on the days I have pole because that's downright dangerous. So I have to turn to other methods. On the days I pole I always make sure to wash off my grip aid really well so it doesn't continue to dry my hands out for longer than absolutely necessary. That night in the shower I'll exfoliate the skin on my hands with a pumice stone.
I got mine from Target and I absolutely love it because it has a little rope to hang nicely on my shower caddy, and it's got a rubber grip all the way around so it's easy to hold even in running water.
My next favourite thing is this callous shaver from Revlon. Once a fortnight, while my skin is really soft after my shower, I'll gently shave off the callouses at the base of my middle finger. (gross, right?) If you've never seen one of these before, they're actually designed for feet. Be careful though, because it is a razor blade you're using so you don't want any nasty cuts that could possibly get infected.
Every night that I'm not poling, (or very early in the mornings on the nights that I plan to) I'll usually apply a hand cream. I love both the Crabtree & Evelyn Avocado hand therapy (review here) and the Body Shop's Almond Oil Hand Rescue for deep moisturising.
And that's it! My hands remain soft and supple for day-to-day activities whilst not being too slippery for poling!
What are your favourite hand remedies? Are you a hand cream lover or are your hands ignored in your beauty routine?

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