Late nights, early mornings and frantically trying to catch up on law readings is taking its toll on me...and it's only the beginning of week three.

I've finally got all my textbooks. I have so many pages of readings to catch up on I actually can't count it. So I'm chipping away at it with lots of colour and lots of energy drinks.
Side note - I've made a vow that I am never buying Mother again. I always get suckered in because of how cheap it is but it tastes like rubbish and doesn't even keep me that awake. So I lose out on both counts.

I am however, totally winning at life with these cute-as-hell post it notes.
As I was leaving work on Thursday I noticed pole queen Jamilla Deville swinging from a pole in Lorna Jane!! I excitedly ran in, asked for an autograph and made a total fool of myself. She was so lovely and omg check out those GUNS! Funnily enough, I was running off to my pole class when I saw her, and man was I pumped for an hour of dance and an hour of handstands...
I also may or may not have a bruise on my ankle from falling down and smashing into the pole...
I spend all week looking forward to Saturday night - steak night. mmmm protein and vegies.
What did you get up to last week? Have you ever had a total embarrassing fangirl (or fanboy) moment?

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