With blogging, uni work, and general catching up on emails, it's really not a surprise that I spend a LOT of time at my desk. As such, I try to make it an area that is not only functional, but comfortable. Keeping a stash of essential beauty items on one of my shelves helps accomplish this.
I used to keep all this stuff in a small gift box, but when my friend Meg gifted me this glass container for Christmas, I immediately switched. It actually ended up saving me space because it's tall, so fits more in. Also, because it's see through, I find that I reach for the items more frequently.
So what exactly do I keep within reach?
Hand Creams
I'm such a hand cream addict, and am so weird about keeping my hands soft and smooth. Maybe four hand creams to have within reach at any one time is slightly excessive? To be fair, I do occassionally switch these ones up with whatever one is in my handbag for something different.
Body Shop Almond Oil Hand Rescue and Hand and Nail Cream. I prefer to use the hand rescue cream at night, when I've finished studying and am about to snuggle on the couch or jump into bed. The hand and nail cream sinks in really nicely, so I use that as a more general hand cream during the day.
Say it With Scent Vanilla Hand Cream: Another light hand cream, I use this one when I'm bored. It does moisturise well, although I wouldn't say it's an 'intense' moisture surge. I love the scent of this one (surprisingly, since I'm not normally a vanilla kinda gal).
Crabtree & Evelyn LA Source Hand Cream: I've done a whole video reviewing this, and it is still one of my favourite, go-to hand creams. I absolutely love the scent, the texture...basically everything about this one.
Lip Balms and Scrubs
Maybelline's Baby Lips: No really, what can I say about these that hasn't already been said before? I love them.
Blistex Complete Moisture: I really think this is one of those non-negotiable, everyone-should-own-this products. No really, EVERYONE. Including the boys. I love the SPF in this, and I love the way it treats my lips if they do get burnt, or are dry and flaky.
Speaking of dry and flaky...

LUSH lip scrub in Popcorn and Sweet Lips: Yeah, I'm one of those gross people that lick this off after using it. My argument is, it's my own dead skin cells and you probably inhale a million anyway, so a few more can't hurt. These are really yummy, and are a good exfoliation. I find that by keeping these next to my desk I'm more likely to use them than if they're in my bathroom.

Face Masks
Apivita face masks; express beauty with cereals and express beauty with ginko biloba: Again, I find I'm much more likely to use these if they're in my line of vision constantly. I try to use a face mask at least once a week, and since I don't always get a heap of free time, I'll usually have one on while I'm blogging or assignment-ing.
Tea Samples
Just because they're delicious, and I'm running out of room in the kitchen to store these.
Other Misc Beauty Items
Antiseptic Ear Care Spray: Sometimes my piercings will play up - especially if I've knocked one of them on something. It's always a good idea to keep one of these handy.
Pure Therapy Intensive Moisture: This is a repair gel that provides intense moisture to very dry skin. I tend to break out in rashes when I'm stressed (sexy, non?) so I keep this at my desk to help with the inflammation.
What beauty products do you keep at your work / home desk?