Organisation is one of those things that is crucial for me to get through my day. I have tried so many different ways of planning out my blog posts, and this way is definitely the best for me. I've been using this type of planner for a couple of years, and recently bought this beautiful "dark cherry" colour from kikki.K.

I use different sections to plan;
"Calendar" / "To Do" / "Post Ideas" / "Notes" / "Inspiration" / "Projects"

I love that this is a perpetual calendar - I usually plan a month ahead at a time. There's certain posts that go live every week so I fill those in first, then refer to my "Post Ideas" tab to fill in the blanks.

I write everything in pencil, and then when it's scheduled to go live, I write it in pen - this allows me a bit of freedom to move things around without it getting messy with white-out.

I create a to-do list table, that allows for me to check off when I have taken and edited the photos for each post, when it's written and then when it's scheduled to go live. I usually plan in my day-planner when I am going to take a whole bunch of photos at once; then another day for editing, and then a day to write and schedule. I find by breaking all the tasks up I don't experience "bloggers block" as often. Blogging can take up hours, so breaking up the tasks also makes it all a bit more manageable.

In my 'Post Ideas' tab, I keep a couple of lists - one is my 'review list', where I keep track of products I've either been sent or that I've bought that I want/need to review.
I also keep a more general 'Post Ideas' tab, where I scribble possible future posts - I try to brainstorm here regularly so that I never run out of ideas.
Sometimes I get inspired from other blogs, pinterest, magazines etc, and I keep track of this in the 'Inspiration' tab - this way, if I do run a post or build an idea I can easily head here and refer back to it
When I'm planning giveaways, or collaborating with other bloggers / instagrammers, I keep track of this in the 'Projects' tab.

So that's how I plan my blog posts - I usually plan a couple of times a month to try keep on top of everything. Do you plan your blog posts? What do you use?

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