I got sick of juggling all my nail-y items from their storage place every time I wanted to paint my nails, so decided to put together this manicure kit.
I used an old Bellabox for storage; it's durable, and the perfect size, and yay for recycling!
So this is everything in the box:

1. Hand Cream
I rotate this one around often, at the moment I'm using U Little Beauty's Nourishing Hand Cream. There's something really cathartic about moisturising my hands and this is a step I love to spend time on when finishing my manicure routine.
2. Nail Polish Remover
This is an obvious item to include. I'm just using a Coles brand one at the moment. Acetone works really fast at dissolving nail polish, however it can also be quite damaging. I have a non-acetone one in the cupboard for when my nails are feeling weak. However, this is my normal go-to if I'm in a rush or wearing glitter nail-polish. I find as long as I wear a decent base coat the damage isn't too bad.
3. Callous Remover
The less-than-glamorous part of being a pole dancer is the ugly calluses that appear on my palms. Gross, yeah? Although a pumice stone usually keeps them in check, sometimes I need something a bit meaner
4. Nail Files and Nail Clippers.
Obvious tools are obvious.

5. Cotton Balls
We pretty much buy these in bulk, so we have a massive bag of them, but I like keeping a few in my manicure kit to remove nail-polish.
6. Base Coat
A base coat is absolutely essential when painting your nails. Not only does it fill ridges to create a smooth base for the polish, but it also helps protect your nails from discolouration. Some formulas include strengthening vitamins as well.
7. Nail Polish
The nail polish switches around depending on what I'm painting. The best thing about putting this kit together means that all I have to do is pick the colour I want. Easy as!
What are your nail-painting essentials?