J makes the best food - I am so lucky to be with a guy who not only cooks well, but loves to do so! Every Saturday night we have steak and salad. For something different this week we also made mini pizzas! So nom, and so healthy depending on what you put on them.

Did some reading in Hyde Park while waiting for J to finish work. We saw Skyfall, which unfortunately was really disappointing. But I also finished J.K. Rowling's Casual Vacancy and that was excellent (btw lemme know if you want a review on it - I'd love to write one but only if you peeps want to read it) So it was a week of ups and downs. Also stocked up on some new iced teas. Nom.

Iced tea and tea lights - so perfect on a balmy Summer night.
My friend B and I were in the city on Thursday and ran into Zoe Foster in Myer! She's such a babe - so friendly and nice. And she signed 'Amazing Face' for the both of us!

Had the Annual Awards lunch for my soccer referee association on Sunday arvo, and won the award for 'Female Referee of the Year'. Pretty sweet trophy, but we're not entirely sure what the figure on the top is doing. J thinks he's doing a rendition of Greased Lightning.
What was the last trophy you won for?

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