I always get so happy when I see the Bellabox waiting on my doorstep, and I'm really happy with what was in this month's box!
This was the 'Soiree Season Staples' box. The theme for this one was beauty products and essentials to get you through the party season. You may notice in the above photo some great products, so let's get into it!
250mL = $39.95
I received a 20mL sample. This is such a cult product, I'm sure you're all aware of it. I've been curious about it for ages but never been brave enough to shell out the RRP of $39.95 for 250mL; especially when I know it is a lot cheaper in France (and J has a French friend who could get it for me for cheaper!)
30 pads = $3.49
Super convenient wipes that quickly remove polish while conditioning nails and cuticles at the same time.
I received a full size product. These are a really cute idea - I love the packaging, I love the idea of having nail polish remover on me and not spilling all throughout my bag (the number of times I've had to deal with chipped polish at work! - bleurgh!). I gave these a go and they left my fingers slicked full of oil. They didn't remove my nail polish any quicker than ordinary nailpolish remover and a cotton pad. However, they are super convenient.
100mL = $14.95
I received a 30mL sample. I think the size of this one is great, as it can easily be thrown into my handbag without weighing it down. I didn't even know that Swisse had a body products range, so I'm really interested to try this out, even though it sounds a bit pseudo-sciencey. Still, you can never have too many handcreams!
400mL = $6.49
I received a 50mL sample. I'm unsure as to whether I'll try this one out or not, as it's packed full of sulphates which gives me eczema on my legs. It smells just like a strawberry smoothie though, and the mini bottle is really cute.
4g = $14.95
I received a full sized sample. I think this is actually really tiny for a full sized product! I've never used glitter liquid eyeliner before, and if this one works well I think it would be really cute to use for Christmas!
20mL = $9.95
I received a full sized sample. I love moisturisers and am always keen to try new ones. Apparently the vitamins in this help your skin to feel supple, firm and protected so that's always good.
10 sheets = $21.99
I received one sheet. I'm actually reallllllly excited to give this one a go. This is a Korean product used to get rid of black and whiteheads. I have an issue with blackheads and blocked pores on my nose, so hopefully this works for me. I think I'll do a review on it once I've used it - just to see if it's any different to regular old pore strips.

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