NB: This is a picture heavy post!

This has been such a busy week for me! I have been in 3 different states in 7 days! Crazy, huh?
We flew back on Tuesday from my nan's funeral in Queensland. The flowers were so beautiful, and I'm glad I got a photo of them (even if it's not that great of a photo) They were the most beautiful roses. Although it's not the greatest of circumstances, I was able to catch up with my extended family up there as well. I also met my newest baby cousin - such a cutie!
I had one day at home before heading to Canberra - so I got in plenty of snuggles with the kitty cats; a bed is not properly made unless there's a cat snoozing at the end!
I had lunch with Mum. These watermelon juices were just what we needed on a really warm day.

Got plenty of snuggle time with Tosca and Dixie in Canberra! Dixie (the white one) is such a beautiful, pretty cat but she's so neurotic! Tosca is so lady-like; check her out crossing her paws over!!

We did a few tourist-y things on the Friday with J's mum and cousin. We had lunch at the National Treasures Gallery, checked out the black swans on the Lake, wandered down past where all the flags are waving (Is there a name for this place?) We walked past my future office (HAHA....that's the High Court of Australia for those playing along at home). We also checked out the National Portrait Gallery. I'm honestly not much of an art fan but portraits are really awesome to look at. We got to see the one of the Queen done for her Jubilee year - AMAZING! I wish I could have taken photos but no photography is allowed :(
That last photo is of New and Old Parliament House is perfect alignment! Not seen in this photo, but directly behind where I was standing is the War Memorial. That's the thing about having a planned and designed city - you can have cool stuff like this!

We also had our first trip to Costco! Oh it was exciting! We bought a few things, so keep an eye out for my haul post!
It was at the Yacht Club, right on the lakeside. They had rented a marquee, and as you can see, it had plenty of windows, letting in plenty of natural light, and also allowing a nice view of the lake.
It was a really great afternoon, and I really wish them all the best!
What did you get up to this week? Are you an art fan?

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