Uni is starting to get crazy...
I've even taken to completing assignments in the back room while on my lunch break at work.

Speaking of work, I had my last official days at Kikki as a manager over the weekend. I'm now back to being a casual which is nice, because not having a single day off was starting to get me down.
Politically, the past week has been a bit of a mindf-ck. Mr Abbott reintroduced dames and knights into Australia and apparently we all now have the right to be bigots. Hooray! (obvious facetiousness) I engaged in one too many twitter debates over the topic this past week. You cannot change people's minds when they do not want them changed.

Speaking of Kikki K, I'm obsessed with this 3pk of fashion notebooks we have in at the moment. They are just so pretty!
I also did a bit of shopping in my lunch break last week, and I can't wait to share what I got!

Is anyone else a bit over the stormy, rainy weather we've had lately? I think I need to pick up some little ankle booties to wear to work for the rain!
I also got this really cute surprise present from one of the girls at work! There was the cutest mug inside, and what a sweetie - she had added in a little tea selection for me! Adorable, and so thoughtful!

We buy the Entertainment book every year, and it came with a coupon for Grilled! So J and I had a cute lunch date there in the city. Best thing? We only paid for one meal!

One of our favourite lazy-night dinners is this semi-homemade pizzas. We buy the base from Woolies (which is just a standard cheese pizza) then we add our own meat and salad on top. Super tasty, and really quick to make.
And my latest pole accomplishment! I love this move because it's pure strength. I even shocked myself getting this one because it's one I've wanted for so long, but it has continued to elude me. I don't know what it was, but something clicked and bam those hips came off the floor. Successful cup grip shoulder-mount!!
What did you get up to in the past week?

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