Which is why my 'favicon' (that little picture in the tab next to my blog name) is a stack of books. I love reading mysteries. They make me think, and I'm hopeless at guessing "whodunnit" ... actually I'm pretty hopeless at that whether I'm watching a mystery or reading it. Honestly, I just get so caught up in the story I don't think that far ahead.
And now I've stumbled across a real-life mystery that has me completely baffled. I'm going to let you in on all the facts and maybe you can help me solve it, because this one has really got me and J scratching our noggins.
So I mentioned that last Thursday I had a job interview. In my rush to get ready in the morning, I had tried on a couple of outfits. The first one was a black skirt / stockings and this red shirt:
Pretty, feminine, and my favourite colour. The only reason I didn't wear it is because it's slightly shorter than I'd like and doesn't tuck in nicely. This has the effect of making me look a bit scruffy, which isn't a look you go for in a job interview.
Anyway, so I tried it on, took it off and left it on the lounge.
Went to my job interview in a black shirt, in case you were wondering.
Didn't think anything else of it.
Maybe if you're super attentive to detail you may have noticed where this is leading...
on Friday afternoon I went to go sit on the lounge, moved my pile of clothes off the cushions and noticed this:
I know what you're thinking. "A pen obviously has leaked". And that was my first thought too. and J's when I yelled and carried on and brought this to his attention.
Except there was no pen anywhere on the lounge.
No other item of clothing had ink stains.
Those spots were 100% not there on Thursday morning when I tried that shirt on.
My second thought was "ROMMY!"
But then I realised that's silly. He doesn't have opposable thumbs. How would he be able to manipulate a pen to spill ink all over my shirt?
So that my dear readers is the mystery.
Help me solve it, because I'm pissed as hell that not only is my shirt destroyed, but I don't know how it came to be that way.

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