But technically, it's still Sunday somewhere in the world, right?
Unfortunately I didn't get many snaps of the past week gone by - it honestly was all a bit of a blur and I didn't even really get up to that much!
Rommy has fallen in love with the box that came with our rice cooker. We put his kitty blanket inside for him and he loves sitting in there while we watch TV. What is it with cats and boxes?

My sister turned 18! I seriously can't believe how old she is, and man does it make me feel old! We celebrated with lunch at my mums and then went to dinner with dad. I am privileged in that I shared her first legal drink with her! Here we are sipping down Midori Lemonades. I went up to order it for Ally, and when I realised they had no cider decided I'd have the same. So I ordered two and the bartender was like "...Midori Lemonade. We don't sell that I don't think" while she looks in the fridge behind her. I explained "it's basically a shot of Midori with lemonade..." (while pointing to the bottle of Midori on the shelf behind her) and she gave me this really confused look. She called over her manager and was like "Uhm..what was it again? Do we sell that?" He grabbed the Midori from the shelf and said "mix that with lemonade". I mean, really, it's not rocket science.
J was also very much a cutie and bought me a giant packet of nerds to get me through the mountain of uni work I have this week. How is everyone else feeling as the year draws to a close? Overwhelmed? Me too!
Sydney has been giving us some weird weather the past week. This was on Thursday, and today it was around the 27 Celsius mark! On the same day as this, I actually had a job interview in North Sydney. It was so cold and rainy and such a trek. But it was worth it because I got the job! Yay for employment!
And receiving letters from my penpal in England (Siobhan - check out her blog here) always brings a smile to my face! Something about the written word on paper just gets me all happy inside.
Have you ever had a strange reaction from a bartender when ordering a drink? When was the last time you received a hand-written letter in the mail?

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