I feel I hardly blog about anything else!
Anyway...this is what I got up to this week:

1. Had lunch with J in the city on Tuesday - also did my very first job as a "mystery shopper". Exciting stuff!
2. Studying and drinking coffee at Rush 2. Standard.
3. Nailed my handstand, WITHOUT the pole holding me on for support! This is so massive for me, you guys have no idea. It's taken me about 4 months to get it!
4. Some snaps from Marrickville Festival.
Lots of stalls and cool stuff to see. J won an apple, I ate some dumplings and we both saw our very first "pig on a spit". I love the vibe at community festivals - one of my favourite things about S/S is that all the suburbs start having their festivals! Yay!
5. Bought some new shower stuff from Lush! Will feature in a haul very soon so keep your eyes peeled!
What did you get up to this week? Have you ever seen a pig on a spit? Can you do handstands? Or the splits? Or any other cool circus tricks?

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