So today I'm going to share it all with you and IMPLORE YOU to get on it.
I, (and I'm sure many of you whom also blog) get my comments directed to me via email. So that when I'm out and about I can still read the lovely things you guys say to me. I love comments. They turn blogging from a one-way medium into a conversation and that is awesome.
Now Jas shared with all her readers that she replies to her comments via email. Isn't that awesome!?
Since I've enabled myself to do so, I must say, I also prefer it as a way of reply. You write a lovely comment to me, I can reply to it when it comes through to me in my inbox and not only do you not have to check back to my blog to see my thoughts, but the conversation can go further from there. Simple, easy, touch of a button.
So how do you allow yourself to be open to this world of possibilities? You need to link your email up to blogger! And I know you're probably saying "yeah I already have that", I can assure you, that most of you (who comment me, anyway) don't. How do you know if you do?
Simply click on your Blogger profile, and it will tell you:
See that 'email' link under 'Contact Me'. If that is there, then your email is linked and you're done! If not, then read on and I'll tell you how to link it.
On the same Blogger Profile page, click 'Edit Profile' and you should see an option for 'Email Address' under identity. In here, just pop your preferred email address (this won't change any account settings) and voila! You're connected!
Easy as pie. Now you have no excuse - Get connecting those email addresses!!!

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