It was still a pretty great day though. There was lots of card-playing and hanging out - something I really appreciate and value as I get older.
I didn't really take any photos on Christmas day, as there weren't any really worth taking. We kept things simple, but sometimes that's all you need!
So what did I get for Christmas?
Firstly - I want to make a comment about the 'disclaimer' that usually gets thrown in here. This is not bragging, blah blah blah. I'm fortunate enough that I have not received any bad comments in the time I've been blogging. I think though that we all love a bit of a sticky-beak (past posts have proven just this!). My friends and family know me better than to think I'm displaying this for the 'bragging rights' or whatever. I think if anything, showing off the presents you've received is a great compliment to the person who gave them to you! They obviously did well for you to love them so much!
Anyway - that was a slight tangent.
So on to the PRESENTS!

I was really spoilt this year:

On Christmas, dad handed me this Breville coffee grinder - man is it fancy!! Last year I got a coffee machine, and this sits nicely alongside it. Haven't had a chance to use it yet though.
He also gave me some money to buy my first DSLR camera!! I went with the Canon EOS 650D, and I am so in love with it, it's not even funny. My uncle Des gave me and my siblings all $100 as a combined Christmas / birthday present, so I used some of that to go towards shipping, and to buy the bag and memory card for it.

You are all going to laugh at me, but I was seriously lemming over an Enjo floor cleaner since I moved out of home. (That's right folks - you know you're an adult when you're super excited for cleaning products)
Mum bought me the floor cleaner (too big to show in the photo) and it came with two cleaner heads - one for dust, which is great for our hardwood floors, and one to wash the floor with. I've had it for about a month now, and I absolutely love it.

J got me a few cute little gifts! On the left is a mini massager, for all the sore shoulders I get from pole. So thoughtful! It lights up and vibrates, and the best part is it really digs into those sore bits without stressing poor J's hands out. The little strawberry is actually...wait for it ... a bag! It unfolds into a shopping bag type thing, so you can throw it in your bag and always carry it with you! J's mum got me a similar bag thing last year for Christmas, and whilst I love that and use it all the time, this is good because there's no 'cover' to lose.
J also got me this really cute cow heat pack! His tummy has a velcro strip on it, and the heat pack comes out so you can pop it in the microwave. He's also the perfect size for cuddling! I cannot wait for the weather to cool down to use him :)

I also received both the Sims 3 Seasons and Supernatural expansion packs from J's parents. I have been spending so much of my free time playing these - yes, yes I'm a Sims geek. J's parents also gave me a few scratchies (which unfortunately didn't win anything) and some money, that I'm putting towards some new clothes.
Thank you so much to my super generous family (this includes J and his family too). I love you all, and hope you were equally happy with the presents I gave you!!
What did you get for Christmas this year? (Feel free to leave blog links if you've posted about it!)

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