I spent most of today editing the video and fighting with the voiceover timing, stopping only to do the dishes and fit in some Assassin's Creed. I was so pleased with it when I finished I uploaded it immediately to youtube only to find out I'd saved it in the wrong format, so it was lesser quality than I wanted. All good, right? I'll just re-save it.
What is this error message? What do you mean you have to restart the program? Okay I can do that.
So the program opens back up to a completely blank slate. I re-open the file... to exactly where I was at 9am this morning with it. All my hard work gone.
So I'm sorry, this is in not-so-great quality but that's better than not being there at all.
Let this be a lesson to you all to save your work regularly (and check it's in the right format when you do!)
Do computers hate you too? Or is it just me afflicted with this curse?

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