I'm betting nowhere near as many people would have said 'yes' to that than if I'd asked about how many of you wash your make-up brushes!
It does seem like common sense, but I'm willing to bet that it's not something commonly thought about. So I'm here to remind you that not washing your hairbrushes is GROSS.
Dead hair falls out, oil and grease and product can build up and then every time you brush your hair you're just putting that gunk straight back into your nicely cleaned hair.
So, here's my super quick method to deep cleanse your brushes:
So this is what we're working with. The first thing to do is obviously to get rid of that gross build-up of hair. I usually do this every time I brush my hair - but sometimes I'm lazy and only do it once a week.
I've found the best and easiest way to get all the hair out is with a bobby pin! Just insert it at the base of the hairbrush bristles and lift up. This will get the bulk of it off. Then just run the bobby pin through the bristles a few times and that will dig out the more stubborn hairs.
Nice and clean!! There still may be a build-up of dirt and sweat and other gross things though, so we're going to give it a quick scrub with some antibacterial soap. I just use regular old hand soap. If you have a hairbrush with more delicate bristles then maybe use something more gentle - but mine are plastic so meh.

I just squirt some directly onto the brush head and then run some water and scrub the bristles with an old toothbrush.
To dry, just leave face down on an absorbent paper towel!
Do you have any tips for cleaning hair brushes?

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