The January Bellabox celebrates all things Australian - a theme I can definitely get on board with. I tend to prefer products and companies that are Australian. I guess I feel like I'm going for the "little guy" - in such a globalised economy I realise how difficult it is for Australian companies to truly succeed so if I can do something that helps them get that bit further than sure, I'll help out.
Unfortunately, this box was incredibly disappointing, especially after last month's generous box.

1. Face of Australia Makeup Purifying Cleansing Wipes
25pack = $4.95
I received a full sized product. In fact, this is the exact full-sized product I received in November's Lust Have It. Now I know that's not BB's fault but it's really frustrating getting double-ups. Especially when they're not even a good product. I found these to be poor quality - they hardly budged the make-up I was wearing and I ended up using them to wipe down my make-up vanity table thing.

2. You, Me and Every Body Cool It Aloe Vera Gel
100mL = $8.95
I received a full size product. This was probably one of the only items I was happy and excited to receive. I was first introduced to this product in September's Bellabox with their skin mousse, and I'm happy to report that this appears to be a much better product. The info card says they've included this for sunburn, but I'm so avid about sun protection that I don't get burnt. Aloe vera is a wonderful product to have, and I'm glad to have received this.

3. Natio Pure Mineral Skin Perfecting BB Cream
50g = $14.95
I received a 5g sample in medium. Natio must have an over-supply of these in medium because every single time I'm in Myer I get passed one of these. So pretty unimpressed.
I'm also very fair, so this is going straight in the bin. What a waste.
4. Swisse Body Wash with Vitamin B3 and Macrobiotic Sea Minerals
250mL = $14.95
I received a 30mL sample. I don't know what "macrobiotic sea minerals" are. But, don't worry too much about that - I'm not a scientist and I know nothing. So I googled it. Google only knows that it's contained in this product. And when I googled "macrobiotic" I got a lot of hits about the "macrobiotic diet". Not what I was looking for. I'm pretty keen to give this a go. It is of a gel consistency, and smells quite "summery". I suck at describing scents though (and identifying them) so I'm not sure if that's at all helpful. Sorry.
5. Mode Nail Polish Rave'N
15mL = $2.45
I received a full sized product. This nailpolish takes about 3 coats to achieve full opacity. Orange also isn't really my colour y'know, being so pale and all. But I appreciate the sentiment that this is a "summer" colour. I'm a bit pissed off that this is such a cheap product for what is supposed to be a sample box of luxury products.
I'm pretty disappointed with this box. I don't even think disappointed is a strong enough word. I've read other blog posts where some people also received a cute hedgehog decal. Not really sure what that's supposed to do with beauty, but it was cute and I'm upset I missed out on this "bonus" gift. Other boxes included Australis palettes. I feel like the stuff in my box was stuff they were just trying to get rid of. can Especially the Natio sachet. Everything I received had a full-sized RRP of less than $15 and this is supposed to be a "luxury" box. I can go trial any of this stuff at my local priceline.
Out of everything I received, I'll probably only use the aloe vera gel, and that's more of a first aid item for me - NOT a beauty item.
I'm not sure whether I can be bothered emailing the company and expressing my concerns.
What would you do?

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