Here's what I got up to this week:

Bought some hot rollers for my hair with the xmas money from J's parents, and have been having a TONNE of fun playing with them. (Thanks B&D if you're reading!!) Also started and finished the entire 'Dead Like Me' TV series. I love me some dark comedy.
Went for a walk to get some iced coffee. Nom.

Catching up on some journalling.

J and I went rock climbing! Seriously, this was so much fun and I don't know why we have never been before. After you get over the initial trust issues, it's so easy to power on up to the top. We were both worn out after about an hour, and apparently that's because we don't use our legs enough.
Skyped with my mummy. Who took a photo of the affair on her phone instead of just screenshotting it like I did. What a n00b (an insult she takes way too personally...)

J and I also tried out the burgers at Grill'd. This place is well worth the hype, let me tell you. I also had a Rekordelig slushie - so worth the $8 I paid for it.

Spent Australia Day at a barbeque with the extended family. Met my brand new baby cousin (she's now 7 months old...but still brand new for me!) Shirley (on the right). She's so well behaved - very alert and playful. And I got to play with my other younger cousins. On the left we have Spencer. Such a cutie! I wish I could see these guys more often.
In other exciting news - I got a promotion this week! Had my job interview on Tuesday and found out on the same day that they were willing to train me up for the position. It's still technically not official until I sign my contract in 6 weeks but I'm so, so excited.
What are you grateful for this week?

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