Even at 1am this morning as I was jumping around our apartment, hyped up on fructose and yelling at my boyfriend "It's the last day of the year!!" I didn't truly believe that it was.
And yet today, here it is.
Last year I posted a summary of my year, and throughout 2012, I've found that going back and reading that has really grounded me in knowing what I want for the year.
My Goals / Aspirations / Excitements for 2012:
I'm so excited for my trip to Bali with my amazing boyfriend.
Going overseas was such an amazing experience. I know life-changing is such a cliche way to describe it, but it really does change the way you see yourself and your own situation.I'm excited for my sister, who will be finishing her last year of high school. I hope I'll be able to be there and support her through her HSC.
My sister received amazing results this year, and I could not be more proud of her.I'm excited to move house (maybe).
In April, I moved in with J. We got a little kitty cat, and I could not be happier. Our apartment has had quite a few issues, but this is the unfortunate reality of renting in Sydney.- I hope to further my experience in my chosen profession.
I lost my job at the law firm halfway through 2012, so I don't think I can really cross this one off. That said, I am a year further into my degree so I'm sure that counts even just a little bit. - I hope to get back into volunteer work.
Unfortunately, I did not, which is a regret. I'm excited to continue learning ... both at uni and in my new hobby, pole dancing.
Overall, with uni I had a good year, and I have progressed so much further in pole dancing than I ever thought I would in a year.With that, I hope that I'll be able to treat my body a bit better. I want to increase my strength, and my stamina.
I think this is the healthiest I've ever been, and the most positive I've felt about myself. My eating is the healthiest it's been in quite a few years now - and I mostly have my boyfriend to thank for that.- I also hope to save a bit of money next year.
This definitely did not happen. We had some ridiculous electricity bills, I lost my job part-way through the year and overall, things were just really tight financially. Luckily, money is not everything.
2012 was an okay year for me. It was pretty horrible financially. Like I said above, I lost my job, and we had electricity bills that together, equalled in the thousands. I had numerous fights with Centrelink over eligibility, and I lost my health care card which just makes things so much more expensive and tighter.
I did fairly well at uni, despite lacking all sorts of motivation, and this is definitely something I want to change in 2013.

I lost my Nan (from my mum's side), leaving me with no Grandparents. The thought really upsets me, and I miss her still. I was really lucky to get two of her rings, and I wear them almost every day. Luckily, they're my style anyway, and every time I look down at them I think of her.
My mum moved to Queensland. It's been pretty hard not having her around the last few weeks. It has been made easier with how wonderful technology is, though. I'm so grateful that we don't have expensive STD phone calls, and can video chat for free over Skype. I'm also so grateful that it's free to call over our mobiles.
But good things have happened too.

I moved in with the love of my life, and we have a little kitty-cat who provides us so much joy and happiness.

I performed on stage at pole, for the first time ever. Just generally, I have made so many improvements and had so many achievements in this area of my life. I forget that this time last year I was learning to just take my feet off the floor!!
About 2 months ago I got a new job, and I love it - even though it's retail and that's never something I thought I'd be interested in. I really appreciate everyone who has been in my life over the past year - -to all the new friends I've made through blogging, who have transcended online friendships to IRL friends, and to all my "old" friends who I know I can always count on: Thanks.
I don't really know what 2013 will be like. I think if this year has taught me anything it's that you really don't know what's going to happen tomorrow (Which I already kind of knew anyway, hence my back tattoo). I really hope next year is a better one for me. I hope to travel lots to see my mum, I hope to get better at photography and always improve on blogging for you guys. I hope to only keep improving in pole, and I really am going to put more effort into uni next year. No excuses, this time.

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